PVD E-Beam Evaporator

Quick Info

The PVD ebeam evaporator has been operational since October 2020. It has a box-style UHV chamber with a loadlock, capable of loading samples up to 6” OD. The main chamber is pumped by a CTI-Torr 10 cryopump, the loadlock is pumped by a Pfeiffer turbopump, both UHV pumps are backed by one Ebara EV-A10 dry pump. The ebeam is powered by a 10kV Telemark power source, allowing it to evaporate metals with high melting point. There are six 15cc pockets available, reserved for Ti/Al/Nb/Au/Al2O3/Pt. The best vacuum achieved so far is 10^(-10)torr, which happens following the niobium deposition. Typical chamber vacuum is found to be around 10^(-9)torr after an overnight chamber baking process.
In addition, the PVD ebeam evaporator has a few unique capabilities:
  • A K&R End Hall EH-200 ion source with three 10sccm MFC-controlled gas lines (oxygen, argon, hydrogen), capable of ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD);
  • Two sample stages
    • A chiller-cooled stage with rotation capability (fixed angle or constant rotation)
    • A second sample stage with tilt/rotation capability
  • Automatic deposition enabled by (i) PVD software; (ii) Inficon deposition controller; (iii) Telemark ebeam sweep control and Telemark crucible index control
Internal Rate: 
Included with access

Available Materials: Ti, Al, Nb, Au, Al2O3, Pt
Maximum Sample Size: 6”